Should I hydrofrack my well?

Hydrofracturing is the process of using high water pressure in an attempt to remove any blockages from a low-producing well. It requires the well pump and piping to be removed, and a rubber ballon to be inflated into the well. High-pressure water is then forced down into the well below the balloon to try and clear any blockages from the pores in the ground. This is done so that the water in the aquifer might be able to flow freely to the well.

Some homeowners with low producing wells will turn to this option to increase their well water production, but is this truly the answer a low producing well? Is hydrofracking a good idea, and is it environmentally friendly? We’ll take a look at the pros and cons of hydrofracking, and if this is the answer to low producing well problems.



  • A possible good outcome to increase well water production.

  • Cheaper than drilling a new well.


  • Hydrofracturing only works with bedrock wells, because the pressure can only eliminate debris in the cracks of the bedrock.

  • Permits may be necessary for hydrofracturing.

  • Hydrofracturing has the possibility of affecting any neighboring wells’ water levels.

  • It is expensive and there are no guarantees of hydrofracturing solving the low-yield issues.

  • Hydrofracturing is thought to be not environmentally friendly.

  • Creates a higher chance of water contamination.

  • Does not guarantee lasting results.


A Proven Solution

The Epp Well Solutions System is a non-invasive, environmentally friendly, low-producing well harvesting system. Our system harvests the water from the well 24 hours a day without ever overpumping it. Our system does not require any changes to your well or the environment. It uses state-of-the-art technology to provide you with enough water for your needs.


Let us help you.

Here at Epp Well Solutions, we have spent many years developing our patented system to overcome the difficulty many homeowners and businesses have found themselves in with regards to a low yield well. The Epp Well Solution system has been designed to provide ample water while not requiring the user to monitor the system. It is the first of its kind smart tech system that provides a solution without an intrusive monitor. Set it up and let it do its job of keeping the water flowing. It is as simple as that!

Order your system today!


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Well Water Storage System